Sample searches in CQPweb

Last revised 24 January 2025.

The CQPweb search engine is very fast and, at least for simple text searches, intuitive. (See the Text search page for an introduction.) The range of possible search queries is wide. Some sample queries are given in the table below as models that could be adapted or combined as needed.

search fortype of searchfindsdoes not findnotes
offeredSimpleoffered, offerd, offer'dConcordance only shows offered; the variants offerd, offer'd appear in the alternative context view.
my sistersSimplemy Sisters are at Matlockmy Sister's confinement
my sister 'sSimple 1my Sister's confinementmy Sisters are at MatlockA search for my sister's [no space before apostrophe] finds nothing.
(will not|wo n't|would not|would n't)Simple 2will not, won't, would not, wouldn'tUse round brackets around alternatives separated by |.
{be}Simple 3am, is, are, was, were, 'm, 's, 're, be, being, beenUse curly brackets for a lemma search, i.e. all forms of an inflected word, such as a verb (as here) or noun.
{good}Simplegood, better, bestA lemma search gives positive, comparative and superlative forms of an adjective.
[original="shew.*"%cd]CQP syntax 4shew, shews, shewing, shewed, shew'd, shewd, shewnForms of show, etc. with stem-vowel o.Searches index of words as written, adjusted for intra-word deletions and additions but ignoring formatting. Original form is displayed in alternative view of individual examples, though concordance lines are normalised.
[original="Dickinson.*"]CQP syntaxMisspelled Dickinson, Dickinson's, DickinsonsCorrectly spelled Dickenson, etc.84 hits. A Simple search would have found 81 of those, missing 3 that -- contrary to our usual practice with proper names -- had been corrected to Dickenson, but finding 2 additional cases where an abbreviated D had been expanded editorially as Dickinson!
[original=".*expreſs.*"%c]CQP syntaxexpreſs, Expreſs, expreſs'd, expreſsed, expreſsion, expreſsions, expreſsive, expreſsly, inexpreſsible,, express'd, inexpressable, expression, also mistranscribed expresſ'd335 hits with the then-normal ſs spelling of the doubled consonant.
[original=".*express.*"%c]CQP syntaxexpress, express'd, inexpressable, expressionexpreſs, Expreſs, expreſs'd, expreſsed, expreſsion, expreſsions, expreſsive, expreſsly, inexpreſsible, etc.19 hits, 8 genuinely with the then-rare double ss spelling. 11 apparent ss hits, however, are actually reassembled and normalised versions of spelling expreſs split across lines in ms.
& word="ev'?ry"%cd]
CQP syntax 4ev'ry in verseev'ry, evry elsewhere, every, Every anywhere11 hits, all with apostrophe. Words in verse lines are not usually normalised. Use [original="ev'?ry"%cd] for these 11 plus another 6 non-verse examples.
(?longest)[l="1"]+;CQP syntaxblocks of verse linesProduces an odd-looking concordance, but jumping to the edition quickly reveals where the blocks of verse end. Correctly finds all 49, but an apparent processing error in HAM/2/15/3 adds some 368 surplus hits which fall in mid-quotation.
[abbr="1" & word="would"%cd]CQP syntax 4wd, wd., wou'd, wld.., etc.would written out in fullConcordance only shows normalised would, but alternative view of individual examples shows abbreviated form.
[reg="1" & word=".*ed"%cd & POS="VVN"]CQP syntax 4Past participles pasſ'd, pass'd, paſsd, paſst, past, shock'd, shock't, shockt, wish'd, wishd, etc.passed, shocked, wished, etc. written as in standard Present-day EnglishConcordance only shows regularised passed, shocked, wished, etc.; for original form, see alternative view of individual examples.
[placeName="1" & word="Bri.*"%cd]CQP syntax 4Bristol, Britain, Brighton, Brighthelmstone, etc.bring, bridle, brilliant, etc.Variant spellings of place-names are also found.
[foreign="it"]CQP syntaxMarito, cosi, va, Addio, Inghilterra, etc.87 hits for words coded as Italian, taken individually.
(?longest)[foreign="it"]+;CQP syntax5Marito, Cosi va il Mondo !, addio mia Cara Amicia, Addio Mia molto cara Sposa Io sono vostre Affettuosamente, Inghilterra, etc.34 hits for whole phrases coded as Italian.
(?longest)[persName contains "MD"|rs contains "MD"]+;CQP syntax5Mrs Delany, Mrs. Delany, Mrs. D., Mary Delany, the friend, Our dear Friend, the dear old woman, her good Aunt, Miʃs Granville, my Dear Madam, Mrs. Pendarves, Mrs. D: (when Widow to Mr. Pendarves), the good Dowagers Friend, etc.
Also combined with other referents: these amiable women, your affectionate Friends at Bulstrode, etc.
The tag <persName> is for reference by a person's proper name, while <rs> ['referencing string'] is for mentions headed by a common noun. MD is Mary Delany's project ID. See here to find the ID assigned to any individual.
[word="(Bona.*|Buona.*|Napo.*)"%cd & persName contains "[^0].*"]CQP syntaxBonaparte, Buonapartè, Napoleon, Bonaparte'sNapoliSearches for words with suitable beginnings that are also inside <persName>.
(?longest)[persName contains "NaB"|rs contains "NaB"]+;CQP syntax5Bonaparte, Buonapartè, Napoleon, Bonaparte's, the Emperor, Mr: BonaparteNapoli, Emperor CharlemagneCorrectly includes Mr: B—— in reference to Napoleon under <persName>, and the Emperor under <rs>.
theRestrictiontheOnly 11 hits if EP: Palfrey, Elizabeth is selected. A Restriction search is confined to one author.
letterRestrictedletterOnly 4 hits if DBl: Blosset, Dorothy and RFG: Greville, Robert Fulke are ticked as receivers, 1797 and 1798 as years, Leighton Buzzard as place of receiver. A Restricted search allows various filters to be combined.
Delany<<20>>flatter*SimpleThat my Conduct shd. be approved of by Mrs Delany, is not only very flattering [...]
Mrs. Delany flatters herself with the
hopes of [...]
& full of the flattering encomiums &c Mrs . D: said
9 hits for Delany within 20 words either side of flatter, flatters, flattering, etc.
*_JJ* behaviour*Simple6affectionate, amiable, charming, improper, riotous, etc.his, whose, the, etc.25 hits for general adjective before behaviour(s). Sorting reveals 19 different adjectives.
[simple_semtag="K2"]CQP syntax6Concert, sing(ing)/sang, Opera, Song, Medley, Violoncello, Anthem, Piano, harmonious, Violin, Chorus, bass, Duet, Cornet, Oratorio, ostentation, etc.539 matches for semantic tag K2 (Music and related activities).
[simple_semtag="(B2|B3)"]CQP syntax6health, well, ill, Pain(ful), illness, recover(y/ed/ing), Cold, Fever, hurt, Gout, cough, fatigue(d), disorder, sick, indisposed, etc.3,767 matches for semantic tags B2 (Health and disease) or B3 (Medicines and medical treatment).
[POS="(VVN|VVG)"][simple_semtag = "(B2|B3)"];CQP syntax6taken ill, tired out, begun nursing, catching colds, fainting fits, feeling recovered, gaining health, grown weary, looking Ill, etc., but also continued painfully, taken pains, etc.!36 hits for past or present participle of verb followed by semantic tags B2 or B3.
[semtag contains "(C1|K1|K2|K4|Q4.1)" & persName contains "\w+"]+CQP syntax6Only Cervantes, Cicero, (Mr:) Garrick, Handel, Pliny, Rousseau, Voltaire; mostly namesakes of modern musicians, songs, (parts of) instruments, etc.!392 hits for personal names coinciding with semantic tags C1 (Arts and crafts), K1 (Entertainment generally), K2 (Music and related activities), K3 (Recorded sound), K4 (Drama, the theatre and show business) or Q4.1 (The Media: Books).

Notes to table

1 In the tagging process, apostrophes have been used (or not) as in standard present-day English and the words then ‘tokenised’. In principle, a possessive 's is tagged as a separate token, hence the space, while a possessive plural is tagged with the s attached to its noun and the apostrophe as a separate token. A simple non-possessive plural noun is tagged as a single token. However, inconsistent use of apostrophes in the manuscripts makes it a challenge to distinguish with 100% accuracy between plural and possessive in My Sisters are both well, news of my Sister 's confinement, at my Sister 's, you are loved by my Sisters ' Governess, etc.

2 Contracted negatives (wo n't, did n't, etc.) and contracted verbs (she 's, you 'd, etc.) must be searched for with the contracted part as a separate token.

3 Unfortunately, irrelevant examples of possessive s are unavoidably mixed in among the hits for contracted is.

4 You can make CQP syntax queries ignore case by adding the switch %c after the search term; add %cd to ignore diacritics as well. Simple searches are case-insensitive by default.

5 By default, a standard CQPweb search looks for individual words or tokens, so that a personal name tag <persName> or <rs> ['reference string'] could give four separate hits for Mrs, <period>, Mary and Delany, for example, even if that name was the only one enclosed in the tag. To avoid this, surround your search string with (?longest) before and  +;  after, or if Match strategy is available, just choose Longest-available match.

6 Part-of-speech (POS) tagging is generally over 90% accurate, while semantic tagging is inevitably patchier. Many different semantic tags are assigned to a single word like dressed, their relative probabilities varying according to context. The search [semtag contains "(B2|B3)"] will match all words tagged for Health or Medicines (3605 hits), whereas [simple_semtag = "(B2|B3)"] selects those where that meaning is very probable (3767). For a list of POS-tags see here. For a list of semantic tags see here and here.