Diplomatic Text
Queens House ye 23d
The Letter which you wrote to Kew I
did not receive till I returned to London
last Wedy you will my dr Miʃs
Hamilton easily imagine my Mind was
too much agitated upon the my
coming to this House from whence I
had carried that Bleʃsed Angel[1]
five Weeks before in the fullest Bloom
of Health, to be able to fulfill yr̅
Comiʃsion, but if you will let me
know where Miʃs Forbes lives, I will
seize the first oportunity I can, &
let her have the Money --
This I intended to have wrote yesterdy
since wc̅h I heard from Lady Charlotte
Miʃs Goldsworthy
the melancholy account you had red
& that you were gone into Northam=
ptonshire, believe me sincere, when I
aʃsure you I felt it exceedingly
for I know how true a Friend Lady
Wake was to you, & what a dreadful
Loʃs she will be, I am really anxious
to know how you are, & will still
hope that tho' your alarm has been
great, that you may have the
happineʃs of being a witneʃs of her
Recovery, believe these wishes flow
from --- real feeling & that I
Affly Yr
red text is normalised and/or unformatted in other panel)
Normalised Text
Queens House the 23d
The Letter which you wrote to Kew I
did not receive till I returned to London
last Wednesday you will my dear Miss
Hamilton easily imagine my Mind was
too much agitated upon my
coming to this House from whence I
had carried that Blessed Angel
five Weeks before in the fullest Bloom
of Health, to be able to fulfill your
Commission, but if you will let me
know where Miss Forbes lives, I will
seize the first opportunity I can, &
let her have the Money --
This I intended to have written yesterday
since which I heard from Lady Charlotte
the melancholy account you had received
& that you were gone into Northamptonshire
, believe me sincere, when I
assure you I felt it exceedingly
for I know how true a Friend Lady
Wake was to you, & what a dreadful
Loss she will be, I am really anxious
to know how you are, & will still
hope that though your alarm has been
great, that you may have the
happiness of being a witness of her
Recovery, believe these wishes flow
from real feeling & that I
Affectionately Yours
Martha Carolina Goldsworthy
at Sir William Wake's R ---
Courteen Hall
quotations, spellings, uncorrected forms, split words, abbreviations, formatting)
Library References
Repository: John Rylands Research Institute and Library, University of Manchester
Archive: Mary Hamilton Papers
Item title: Letter from Martha Carolina Goldsworthy to Mary Hamilton
Shelfmark: HAM/1/14/93
Correspondence Details
Sender: Martha Carolina Goldsworthy
Place sent: London
Addressee: Mary Hamilton
Place received: Northamptonshire
Date sent: 23 May 1783
Letter Description
Summary: Letter from Martha Carolina Goldsworthy to Mary Hamilton. She writes of the
‘melancholy’ account Hamilton had given her of Hamilton’s friend Lady Wake.
Original reference No. 68.
Length: 1 sheet, 209 words
Transliteration Information
Editorial declaration: First edited in the project 'Unlocking the Mary Hamilton Papers' (Hannah Barker, Sophie Coulombeau, David Denison, Tino Oudesluijs, Cassandra Ulph, Christine Wallis & Nuria Yáñez-Bouza, 2019-2023).
All quotation marks are retained in the text and are represented by appropriate Unicode characters. Words split across two lines may have a hyphen on the first, the second or both fragments (reco-|ver, imperfect|-ly, satisfacti-|-on); or a double hyphen (pur=|port, dan|=ger, qua=|=litys); or none (respect|ing). Any point in abbreviations with superscripted letter(s) is placed last, regardless of relative left-right orientation in the original. Thus, Mrs. or Mrs may occur, but M.rs or Mr.s do not.
Acknowledgements: Transcription and XML version created as part of project 'Unlocking the Mary Hamilton Papers', funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council under grant AH/S007121/1.
Transliterator: Christine Wallis, editorial team (completed 1 October 2020)
Cataloguer: Lisa Crawley, Archivist, The John Rylands Library
Cataloguer: John Hodgson, Head of Special Collections, John Rylands Research Institute and Library
Copyright: Transcriptions, notes and TEI/XML © the editors
Revision date: 2 November 2021