Letter from Reverend Archibald Hamilton Cathcart to Mary Hamilton
Diplomatic Text
Wolverton January 3
My Dear Cousin
I am very much obliged to
you for your most kind & accommodating
letter, but for Thursday I have secured myself a bed
at a Certain Magpie Inn Woburn which is a very
snug little place & I shall dine & dreʃs there
& get some of my Friends from the Newport side
to pick me up & drop me enpaʃsant, but I am
equally obliged to you for your kind offer. I
had indeed fully promised myself the pleasure
of a day or two at Leighton House at this time
but I am cruelly deranged by being drawn
such a way from home & however gratified
by doing what is required of me yet it is
with sad reluctance I quit this house on monday next. I am
happy to say Mrs C & the Child are both as
well as poʃsible. Except most heartily wishing
you Mr & Miʃs Dickenson many happy new
years no more till we meet but Ever your
most Affect Cousin
AH Cathcart
In truth this was written last
night late, the appearance of
the day makes me fear Thursday
will fall short.[1]
Mrs Dickenson[2] [3]
Leighton House
Leighton Buzard
red text is normalised and/or unformatted in other panel)
Normalised Text
Wolverton January 3
My Dear Cousin
I am very much obliged to
you for your most kind & accommodating
letter, but for Thursday I have secured myself a bed
at a Certain Magpie Inn Woburn which is a very
snug little place & I shall dine & dress there
& get some of my Friends from the Newport side
to pick me up & drop me enpassant, but I am
equally obliged to you for your kind offer. I
had indeed fully promised myself the pleasure
of a day or two at Leighton House at this time
but I am cruelly deranged by being drawn
such a way from home & however gratified
by doing what is required of me yet it is
with sad reluctance I quit this house on monday next. I am
happy to say Mrs Cathcart & the Child are both as
well as possible. Except most heartily wishing
you Mr & Miss Dickenson many happy new
years no more till we meet but Ever your
most Affectionate Cousin
Archibald Hamilton Cathcart
In truth this was written last
night late, the appearance of
the day makes me fear Thursday
will fall short.
Mrs Dickenson
Leighton House
Leighton Buzzard
quotations, spellings, uncorrected forms, split words, abbreviations, formatting)
Library References
Repository: John Rylands Research Institute and Library, University of Manchester
Archive: Mary Hamilton Papers
Item title: Letter from Reverend Archibald Hamilton Cathcart to Mary Hamilton
Shelfmark: HAM/1/5/1/5
Correspondence Details
Sender: Archibald Hamilton Cathcart
Place sent: Wolverton, Buckinghamshire
Addressee: Mary Hamilton
Place received: Leighton Buzzard
Date sent: 3 January 1809
Letter Description
Summary: Letter from Rev. Hon. Archibald Hamilton Cathcart to Mary Hamilton. He thanks Hamilton for her invitation but notes that he has secured himself a room at the Magpie Inn, in Woburn. The letter also reports that Cathcart's wife and baby are both well.
Length: 2 sheets, 203 words
Transliteration Information
Editorial declaration: First edited in the project 'Image to Text' (David Denison & Nuria Yáñez-Bouza, 2013-2019), now incorporated in the project 'Unlocking the Mary Hamilton Papers' (Hannah Barker, Sophie Coulombeau, David Denison, Tino Oudesluijs, Cassandra Ulph, Christine Wallis & Nuria Yáñez-Bouza, 2019-2023).
All quotation marks are retained in the text and are represented by appropriate Unicode characters. Words split across two lines may have a hyphen on the first, the second or both fragments (reco-|ver, imperfect|-ly, satisfacti-|-on); or a double hyphen (pur=|port, dan|=ger, qua=|=litys); or none (respect|ing). Any point in abbreviations with superscripted letter(s) is placed last, regardless of relative left-right orientation in the original. Thus, Mrs. or Mrs may occur, but M.rs or Mr.s do not.
Acknowledgements: XML version: Research Assistant funding in 2016/17 provided by The John Rylands Research Institute.
Research assistant: Sarah Connor, undergraduate student, University of Manchester
Research assistant: Carla Seabra-Dacosta, MA student, University of Vigo
Transliterator: Amanda Widmalm, MA student, Uppsala University (submitted May 2017)
Cataloguer: Lisa Crawley, Archivist, The John Rylands Library
Cataloguer: John Hodgson, Head of Special Collections, John Rylands Research Institute and Library
Copyright: Transcriptions, notes and TEI/XML © the editors
Revision date: 2 November 2021