Note from Lady Catherine Hamilton (née Barlow) to Mrs Mary Catherine Hamilton (née Dufresne)
Diplomatic Text
My Dr Sister -- if you want some of the
Cheapest Silks you ever saw -- they are now
to be had at the Coventry Croʃs on Shanklin
Street there is a very handsome white flowerd
tabby[1] at only five Shillings a yard a plain
white one at six & sixpence & lustrings so
Cheap that I have bought two -- if you
have nothing better to do this Evening
I wish you would come to me My
Love attends Mr H I hope he knows that I am
always glad to see him Yrs Most Sincerely C. Hamilton
The Honble
Mrs Hamilton[2]
to her sister in law
Mrs. Charles Hamilton
red text is normalised and/or unformatted in other panel)
1. ‘{S]ilk taffeta, app. originally striped, but afterwards applied also to silks of uniform colour waved or watered’ (OED s.v. tabby A.1.a).
2. This direction appears on the back of the letter at the top of the sheet. The addressee's name is split in three, with three different orientations, by unfolding.
Normalised Text
My Dear Sister -- if you want some of the
Cheapest Silks you ever saw -- they are now
to be had at the Coventry Cross on Shanklin
Street there is a very handsome white flowered
tabby at only five Shillings a yard a plain
white one at six & sixpence & lustrings so
Cheap that I have bought two -- if you
have nothing better to do this Evening
I wish you would come to me My
Love attends Mr Hamilton I hope he knows that I am
always glad to see him Yours Most Sincerely Catherine Hamilton
The Honourable
Mrs Hamilton
quotations, spellings, uncorrected forms, split words, abbreviations, formatting)
Library References
Repository: John Rylands Research Institute and Library, University of Manchester
Archive: Mary Hamilton Papers
Item title: Note from Lady Catherine Hamilton (née Barlow) to Mrs Mary Catherine Hamilton (née Dufresne)
Shelfmark: HAM/1/4/7/15
Correspondence Details
Sender: Lady Catherine Hamilton (née Barlow)
Place sent: unknown
Addressee: Mary Catherine Hamilton (née Dufresne)
Place received: unknown
Date sent: not after 1773
notAfter 1773 (precision: medium)
Letter Description
Summary: Note from Lady Hamilton to her sister-in-law, Mrs Hamilton [Mary Hamilton Senior], on the availability of 'some of the Cheapest Silks you ever saw', among others 'a very handsome white flower[e]d tabby at only five Shillings a yard'. She describes other material on sale and what she purchased and concludes with an invitation 'if you have nothing better to do this Evening'.
Original reference No. 5.
Length: 1 sheet, 100 words
Transliteration Information
Editorial declaration: First edited in the project 'Image to Text' (David Denison & Nuria Yáñez-Bouza, 2013-2019), now incorporated in the project 'Unlocking the Mary Hamilton Papers' (Hannah Barker, Sophie Coulombeau, David Denison, Tino Oudesluijs, Cassandra Ulph, Christine Wallis & Nuria Yáñez-Bouza, 2019-2023).
All quotation marks are retained in the text and are represented by appropriate Unicode characters. Words split across two lines may have a hyphen on the first, the second or both fragments (reco-|ver, imperfect|-ly, satisfacti-|-on); or a double hyphen (pur=|port, dan|=ger, qua=|=litys); or none (respect|ing). Any point in abbreviations with superscripted letter(s) is placed last, regardless of relative left-right orientation in the original. Thus, Mrs. or Mrs may occur, but M.rs or Mr.s do not.
Acknowledgements: XML version: Research Assistant funding in 2013/14 provided by G.L. Brook bequest, University of Manchester.
Research assistant: George Bailey, undergraduate student, University of Manchester
Transliterator: Lauren Brooks, undergraduate student, University of Manchester (submitted December 2013)
Transliterator: Mingzhen Wu, undergraduate student, University of Manchester (submitted December 2013)
Cataloguer: Lisa Crawley, Archivist, The John Rylands Library
Cataloguer: John Hodgson, Head of Special Collections, John Rylands Research Institute and Library
Copyright: Transcriptions, notes and TEI/XML © the editors
Revision date: 2 November 2021