

Details of project-related publications by the team.

Last revised 7 February 2025.

Coulombeau, Sophie. 2021. This is not a love story: Mary Hamilton and George IV. History Today 71.10, 64-75.

____________. in prep. “A generous Rival”? Mary Hamilton and Frances Burney. In Coulombeau et al. (eds.)

____________, David Denison & Nuria Yáñez-Bouza. in prep. Mary Hamilton and her networks: Gender, sociability, manuscript, c.1740 – c.1850. [With foreword by Hannah Barker]

____________ & Cassandra Ulph. in prep. The tip of the iceberg: Reading practices in Mary Hamilton’s archive, 1783–1784. In Coulombeau et al. (eds.)

Denison, David & Tino Oudesluijs. in prep. Reconstructing Mary Hamilton’s social networks. In Coulombeau et al. (eds.)

____________, Nuria Yáñez-Bouza & Tino Oudesluijs. 2024. Editing The Mary Hamilton Papers (c.1740 – c.1850). In Javier Calle-Martín & Jesús Romero-Barranco (eds.), Corpora and language change in Late Modern English, 109-28. Lausanne, etc.: Peter Lang.

Oudesluijs, Tino. 2024. “No criticism or remarks & pray burn it as fast as you read it”: Exploring copying practices in Mary Hamilton's private correspondence. In Luisella Caon, Moragh S. Gordon & Thijs Porck (eds.), Unlocking the history of English. Pragmatics, prescriptivism and text types. Papers from the 21st ICEHL, 180-197. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

____________ & Nuria Yáñez-Bouza. 2023. Constructing identities and negotiating relationships in late eighteenth-century England: Mary Hamilton and her correspondents at work. International Journal of English Studies 23.2, 15-40.

Wallis, Christine. 2025. Like father, like son? Scots and intra-writer variation in The Mary Hamilton Papers. In Samantha M. Litty & Nils Langer (eds.), Language ideology, policy, and practice: Focus on minoritized languages past and present, 17-42. Historical Sociolinguistics: Studies on Language and Society in the Past. Oxford, etc.: Peter Lang.

____________. in prep. Franks and friendship: Eighteenth-century postal practices in The Mary Hamilton Papers. In Coulombeau et al. (eds.)

Yáñez-Bouza, Nuria. 2023. By Miranda, Mary Hamilton, Mrs Dickenson – Self-reference in Late Modern English private correspondence. Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 124.2, 220-254.

____________. 2024. My dearest Clara … my dear friend – Personal names and direct address in Mary Hamilton’s correspondence. Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics 10.1, 31-62.

____________ & Tino Oudesluijs. 2024. “My dearest friend … Ever Yours, Mary Hamilton”: Exploring forms of address in the late Georgian period. In Javier Calle-Martín & Jesús Romero-Barranco (eds.), Corpora and language change in Late Modern English, 337-66. Lausanne, etc.: Peter Lang.