Further reading

Last revised 10 February 2025.

Anson, Elizabeth & Florence Anson. 1925. Mary Hamilton: Afterwards Mrs. John Dickenson: At Court and at home. From letters and diaries: 1756-1816. London: John Murray.
Anson, Major-General Sir Archibald Edward Harbord. 1920. About others and myself, 1745 to 1920. London: John Murray.
Baker, Anne Pimlott. 2004. Hamilton, Mary (1756–1816), entry in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (ODNB). Oxford: Oxford University Press). doi.org/10.1093/ref:odnb/48934 [last updated 14 April 2022, accessed 20 July 2024].
Buckley, J[ohn] S[haw]. 1910. The history of Birch-in-Rusholme: Being an account of the Birch, Dickenson and Anson families, the history of Birch chapel and church, etc.. London and Manchester: Sherratt & Hughes.
Crawley, Lisa. 2014. A life recovered: Mary Hamilton, 1756-1816. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 90.2, 27-46.
Gardner, Anne-Christine. 2018. Downward social mobility in eighteenth-century English: A micro-level analysis of the correspondence of Queen Charlotte, Mary Hamilton and Frances Burney. Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 119.1, 71-100.
____________. 2022.Towards a companionate marriage in Late Modern England? Two critical episodes in Mary Hamilton's courtship letters to John Dickenson. In Bettelou Los, Claire Cowie, Patrick Honeybone & Graeme Trousdale (eds.), English Historical Linguistics: Change in structure and meaning: Papers from the XXth ICEHL, 288-307.
____________, Marianne Hundt & Moira Kindlimann. 2017. Digitization of the Mary Hamilton Papers. ICAME Journal 41, 83-110.
Gee, Lisa. 2023. Digital editions: Rethinking how we preserve literary correspondences. In Astrid Ensslin, Julia Round & Bronwen Tho (eds.), The Routledge companion to literary media.
Harris, Jocelyn. 2015. Jane Austen, the Prince of Wales, and John Thorpe. Persuasions 37, 94-105.
Haslett, Moyra. 2010. Becoming Bluestockings: Contextualising Hannah More’s ‘The Bas Bleu’, Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 33.1, 89–114.
Miegon, Anna. 2002. Biographical sketches of principal Bluestocking women. The Huntington Library Quarterly 65.1/2, 25-37.
Moore, Lisa L. 2005. Queer gardens: Mary Delany's flowers and friendships. Eighteenth-Century Studies 39.1, 49-70.
Pearson, Jacqueline. 2014. Writ from the heart? Women’s life writing in the long eighteenth century, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 90.2, 5–13.
Pelling, Madeleine. 2018. Bluestocking collecting, craft and conversation in the Duchess of Portland’s museum, c. 1770 – 1786. PhD thesis, University of York.
____________. 2018. Collecting the world: Female friendship and domestic craft at Bulstrode Park. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 41.1, 101-120.
____________. 2020. Reimagining Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots: Women’s historiography and domestic identities, c. 1750–1800. Women’s History Review, 29.7, 1085–1113. [Published online 2019, DOI: 10.1080/09612025.2019.1666965]
____________. 2021. ‘I made memorandums’: Mary Hamilton, sociability, and antiquarianism in the eighteenth-century collection. In Arlene Leis & Kacie L. Wills (eds.), Women and the art and science of collecting in eighteenth-century Europe, 129-44. London: Routledge.
Smith, Nicholas D. 2006. Hannah More items in the Huntington Library: Correspondence and a poem. The Huntington Library Quarterly 69.4, 617-29.
Pullin, Naomi. 2021. Failed friendship and the negotiation of exclusion in eighteenth-century polite society. In Naomi Pullin & Kathryn Woods (eds.), Negotiating exclusion in early modern England, 1550–1800, 88-114. London: Routledge.
Voloshkova, Natalia. 2017. The dutiful daughter: Mary Hamilton’s journal of her visit to Spa in 1776. In Penelope J. Corfield & Leonie Hannan (eds.), Hats off, gentlemen! Changing arts of communication in the eighteenth century, 9–108. Paris: Honoré Campion.
____________. 2017. ‘My Friend Mr H Walpole’: Mary Hamilton, Horace Walpole, and the art of conversation. Image [&] Narrative 18.3.
____________. 2020. Aspiring to freedom: Mary Hamilton’s life writing. Teksty Drugie 1.14, 51–60.
____________. 2021. Bluestockings and travel accounts. Reading, writing and collecting. Cambridge: Elements.
____________. 2023. Letters, poems, flowers and Bluestocking friendship: Mary Hamilton's collage-biography of Mary Delany. The Review of English Studies 74(314), 322–339. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/res/hgad012.

Details of how to cite the Mary Hamilton project, and the corpus, can be found here.